venerdì 19 dicembre 2008


the term euthanasia means sweet death..i think this is a real controversial problem and that's not simple trying to solve tihs matter. in Italy the constitution states that nobody can besubmitted to medical treatments which harm huma dignity. but it's difficult to understand what the consitution intend with "dignity"; the most common interpretation is that nobody can be submitted to therapeutic fury (accanimento terapeutico..non avevo proprio idea di come tradurlo!!!sorry!!). but the situation is more complicated, eluana englaro's condition is a clear example:in fact italian judges stated that she could die, but the church's meddlings and the governement statements arrested the action. In my opinion if someone expresses his willing of dying the state should be less inflexible and should separate his decisions from the church's pressures.

1 commento:

  1. Susanna,

    The translation of accanimento terapeutico brings up a lot of issues and shows how Italian and English differ in terms of the way we view events not just language. A coomon English phrase to describe this situation is "extraordinary life saving measures" but this has quite a positive connotation which the Italian phrase doesn't have. Therapeutic Futility or Overtreatment might be bettter translations.

