venerdì 19 dicembre 2008


i think i've improved my english in certain areas. for example pronunciation. i know that i have to work hard on it, but now I'm a bit more confident with my speaking. another thing i'm improving are the stretches, in fact for the first time i've understood where i have to put them, however i'm not yet good in doing that, so i think i have to work hard also in this sector. the next goal i want to achieve is to improve my listening skills because I'd like to go to london next summer and I'd like to understand easily everybody.


the term euthanasia means sweet death..i think this is a real controversial problem and that's not simple trying to solve tihs matter. in Italy the constitution states that nobody can besubmitted to medical treatments which harm huma dignity. but it's difficult to understand what the consitution intend with "dignity"; the most common interpretation is that nobody can be submitted to therapeutic fury (accanimento terapeutico..non avevo proprio idea di come tradurlo!!!sorry!!). but the situation is more complicated, eluana englaro's condition is a clear example:in fact italian judges stated that she could die, but the church's meddlings and the governement statements arrested the action. In my opinion if someone expresses his willing of dying the state should be less inflexible and should separate his decisions from the church's pressures.


A) Find an example for each type from the sentences below.
1. If I went out tonight , I would see John but I’m going to stay in. SECOND CONDITIONAL
2. If I had gone out last night, I would have seen John. THIRD CONDITIONAL
3. If I go out, I see John, he’s always in the pub. 0 CONDITIONAL
4. If I go out tonight, I will see John, he said he was going into the West End. 1ST CONDITIONAL
5. If I couldn’t speak English well, I wouldn’t have gone on the Erasmus programme. 2/3
6. If we had listened to the instructions properly, we would know what to do. 3/2


i think that so many lawyers go into politic because there are a lot of connections between these matters( for example between law and the minister of justice). I also think that a good knoweldge of law can help politicians because lawyers can understand more deeply the problems risen by a spoilt use of justice. However being a lawyer isn't enough for a good politician, you have to be responsable, charismatic and honest. I think Obama has been elected not only becuase he's a lawyer but also because american people needed a change and, for his new ideas he can be considered as the symbol of this change


the day began like any other. I’d started to get ready for school when I turned on the radio. The announcer said that the Wall was down. I couldn’t help WONDERING if I was dreaming, it was so unbelievable. I thought I’d better hurry to school to see what was happening. In the school playground, everyone seemed to be very happy and excited. Then the head teacher came out. He said he wanted US TO join in the celebrations and so would let us HAVE the whole day off school.My friends and I decided to go immediately to Checkpoint Charlie, the main crossing point from East to West Berlin. We were keen ON welcoming the people arriving from the East. When we arrived, everything was in chaos. We saw young people, old people, friends, and strangers laughing and hugging each other. The first cars from East Berlin started arriving and people were clapping, cheering, and throwing flowers. At first the borders guards attempted TO CONTROL the flow of cars but soon gave up trying because there were so many, and instead joined in dancing. After a while they didn’t prevent people FROM CLIMBING the Wall either. Soon the people at the top were helping others to clamber up – me and my friends among them – and we all carried on DANCING. Someone lent us a hammer and suggested THAT WE KNOCKED chunks of concrete off the wall. I remember WAVING to the East German guards in their watchtowers and they waved back. Only yesterday they would have been ordered TO shoot us! What a day. I shall never forget it.


I thnik pronunciation is really important in english because if you want to go abroad you have not only to speak a gramatically corrected english, but you have to make people understand you. I don't use phonetic symbols because I don't thnik they're so useful, the best way to improve pronunciation is listening to a native speaker, because in this way way you can learn not only the good pronunciation but also the way in which stretches are put. After that I think a good way to improve pronunciation is practising: for exemple going abroad or watching english films.


i don't like very much going to the cinema, in fact i prefer watching dvds with my friends. When I stayed in my town I sometimes watched films in english, but I found very hard to understand them. The last film I've seen in english has been Shakespear in love, it contained a lot of words I didn't know and I helped myself with the use of subtitles. I think it has been really useful because I've learnt a lot of new words and simultaneously I heard their pronunciation and the stretches. I'd like to see films in english referring to law, first because I like this kind of films, and second because I could improve myknowledge of technical terms.